Stephanie Merrill on approval of Sisson Mine EIA

Stephanie Merrill spoke to reporters about the provincial government’s approval of the Sisson Mine project’s Environmental Impact Assessment.

Merrill told Global News she was surprised by the announcement as final approval of the project is a joint process between the provincial and federal government, and the feds have yet to submit its review of the project. The Conservation Council is a participant in that process, which still involves public components we’re committed to seeing through.

Merrill told CBC News the move was also surprising considering the independent review panel report on the project hasn`t been released to the public yet, despite a requirement that it be done so prior to EIA approval and conditions being released.

In an article in the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal, Merrill said the conditions of approval are vague when it comes to emergency planning, the security of the tailings dam, and liability.

“We’re letting the fox guard the henhouse by leaving the responsibility to protect the Nashwaak River and watershed directly in the hands of the company,” Merrill said. “Even the International Council on Mining —  composed of the world’s largest companies — said yesterday that the control standards for tailing facilities are inadequate and the council would be reviewing and revising its standards.”

Read our official response to the announcement.


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