Recycle old cellphones and batteries at the Conservation Council

New year, new cell phone? Wondering what to do with your old one?

Don’t worry, we can recycle it! Start 2017 on a green foot and pop by the Conservation Council’s Fredericton office at 180 St. John Street and drop off your old cell phone or batteries in our convenient Call2Recycle box!

It’s easy – throw your old cell/batteries into the bags provided, seal and then drop down the Call2Recycle hatch! (One item per bag) Make sure to take note of bagging requirements for certain batteries at the bottom of the page.

Thank you for your commitment to the environment in this new year!

Batteries that require bagging: Rechargeable (Lithium Ion or Li-Ion), Small Sealed Lead Acid (SSLA/Pb), Lithium Primary

Batteries that do NOT require bagging: Alkaline and Rechargeable (Nickel Metal Hydride or Ni-MH), Nickel Cadmium (Ni-Cd) and Nickel Zinc (Ni-Zn)

*Cell phones can be dropped off with or without batteries in them. Batteries under 5kg or less accepted. The Call2Recycle program does not accept damaged or defective batteries, or wet cell batteries.*

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