“Dammed But Not Doomed” highlights Passamaquoddy’s 10-year effort for Skutik River restoration

I eagerly anticipated Hakai Magazine’s recent story, “Dammed but not Doomed,” which examines how humans have affected the Skutik (St. Croix River), and delves deep into the 10 years of hard work to restore it.

The siqonomeq, also known as alewife or river herring, are a key player in restoring the river. For the Passamaquoddy people, the alewife is an integral part of their culture, symbolizing a way of life intricately connected to the fish’s abundance. However, the alewife’s survival has been threatened by centuries of forced displacement and dam construction.

The Passamaquoddy are spearheading efforts to restore the fish population by removing barriers like the Milltown Dam — a significant step expected to be completed in 2024. The success of this restoration benefits the ecosystem, supports various species, sustains industries and nourishes the surrounding communities.

If you’re curious about how people work to make our rivers healthier, check out the story through the link below. It’s not just a story about the past — it’s a roadmap for a brighter future for our rivers and those who depend on them.

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