Conservation Council pleased to see government raising bar on accountability and transparency around public forests

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(Fredericton, N.B.) — The Conservation Council of New Brunswick is commending the provincial government for releasing the details of the forestry agreements signed last year by the previous government.

“We’re pleased this government has cast some transparency and light on deals New Brunswickers should know about,” says Lois Corbett, Executive Director of the Conservation Council.

“The documents that came out today are a good first step toward fulfilling the new government’s promise to review both the unfair contracts and the unsustainable forest management plan released in March.”

The Forest Management Agreements, signed by industry and the former provincial government last July, drew widespread criticism from biologists, conservationists, hunters and fishers who said the deals give industry an unsustainable amount of public forest and allow companies to clearcut in areas that were previously off-limits.

The Conservation Council is confident Minister Landry will soon release another series of forestry planning documents that will clearly show where the increased logging will occur.

“We’re certain that with that information in hand, and in the public domain, the provincial government will revise the plan to ensure the new strategy will never put the environment or the sustainability of the public forests at risks,” Corbett says.

CCNB says a revised plan would protect sensitive areas like along riverbanks and streams, preserve old growth stands, protect areas that are important for deer, lynx and other woodland creatures, and discontinue herbicide spraying like governments in Nova Scotia and Quebec have done for years.


To arrange an interview, contact:

Jon MacNeill, Communications Officer | 458-8747 | 261-1353 |

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