Atlantic Citizens’ Assembly on Electricity Affordability and Energy Poverty

How do we make electricity affordable while reducing pollution?

We want to hear from Atlantic Canadians!

Energy poverty is a term used to describe households that spend six percent or more of their after-tax household income on heating, cooling, and lighting their homes.

Atlantic Canada has the highest rates of Energy Poverty in Canada. While citizens support the transition away from fossil fuels for electricity generation and home heating, they recognize the transition might mean electricity bills will increase, which is a concern for many already facing challenges with power bills.

Are you spending six percent or more of your after-tax household income on energy? Would you like to participate in the Atlantic Citizens’ Assembly to make recommendations to federal and provincial governments and utility Boards on how to keep electricity affordable and eliminate energy poverty, while eliminating carbon and air pollution from the electricity system?

The Conservation Council of New Brunswick is hosting an Atlantic-wide Citizens’ Assembly with a diverse group of about 6 Participants from each of the Atlantic Provinces living in rural and urban communities, with different household incomes, educational backgrounds, and cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The event will take place online in May.

A Citizens’ Assembly is a process where people come together to consider an issue, supported by expert reports and advisors. A facilitator helps participants consider the facts, share their personal experiences, and identify areas of agreement and disagreement that can inform recommendations to decision-makers on opportunities to improve electricity affordability and reduce energy poverty.

If you are interested in participating in this important event, we ask you to consider the following:

  1. Do you have access to reliable internet, computer, and camera so you can join us for a virtual Citizens’ Assembly in May?
  2. Are you willing to fill out a pre-assembly survey to help us determine your suitability?
  3. Can you read reports on energy affordability and energy poverty that are in English (we will provide material in French where they are available)?
  4. Can you spare enough time to read the background materials we will share with you to help prepare you to participate in the Citizens’ Assembly?  Reading background materials may take you three to four hours. 

If you would like to participate in the Conservation Council’s Citizens’ Assembly on Electricity Affordability and Energy Poverty, please reach out to Faith at

Successful applicants will each receive an honorarium of $200 after fully participating in the Citizen Assembly.

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