Canadian Environment Week, not just one day…

It’s not all happening on June 5th

A dynamic mosaic of Acadian forest and freshwater wetlands in southern New Brunswick.

World Environment Day (June 5th) coincides with the beginning of Canadian Environment Week, a nationwide event that runs from June 5th to June 11th and includes a number of environmental events like Clean Air Day and World Oceans Day (June 8th) and Rivers and Oceans Week (June 8 – 14).

How can you get involved?

Canadian Environment Week is an opportunity for Canadians to celebrate grassroots environmental action taken nationwide to help preserve, protect and restore Canada’s rich variety of forests, lakes and rivers we depend  on everyday for our survival.

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Hyla Park

Here’s a list of different ways you can get involved:

  • Visit the World Environment Day website and follow their 5-step guide for taking action

The World  Environment Day website gives you access to a variety of facts, resources and their WED toolkit. Why not take advantage of these resources and host your own discussion on the remaining endangered in your region?

  • Take part in Canada’s Commuter Challenge taking place from June 5 to June 11th.

Canada’s Commuter challenge is a nationwide event promoting friendly competition among organizations and cities to see who can get the most employees to use healthier and cleaner modes of commuting such as walking, cycling, transit, carpooling, vanpooling and teleworking.


Fossils fuels from transportation are a huge contributor to climate change. Check out our Climate Action Plan Proposal here to learn more about what we think New Brunswick can do to create a thriving green economy.

Our Renewable Solutions program also aims to help inspire New Brunswickers to make advancements towards renewable energy sources. For more information go to:

  • Why not renew or begin a commitment to sustainable transportation?

Clean Air Day is a day to remember we all breath the same air. When you use public transit, cycle or walk, you save money and stay healthy and reduce your personal emissions. Syrian children in Fredericton have been given bicycles to explore their new home, why not take advantage of the city’s extensive bike trails too?

  • Why not join in a discussion on how Canada is protecting our Ocean life, or better yet, take part in your local Beach clean-up?


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World Oceans Day and Rivers and Oceans week is a time to remember we are all connected to the ocean. Problems that are Ocean away can end up affecting you at home, so take the the time to educate yourself about the state of Canada’s many  Rivers, Oceans and watersheds.



Check out our Marine Conservation program to learn all about what CCNB does to protect our waters.

Also see what our friendly Fundy Baykeeper Matt Abbott is up to as he patrols the Bay of Fundy to keep it safe!

For more information on World Environment Day, and all of New Brunswick’s threatened species, click here:

Everything you need to know about World Environment Day, Canadian Environment Week, and then some…


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