'It Costs a Lot to Change, But More Not To"

A Year-End Message from the Desk of Moe Qureshi

When I first moved to New Brunswick to join the Conservation Council, I was struck by the province’s natural beauty and the great pride New Brunswickers feel for their home.

However, as I dug into my new role as the director of climate research and policy, I was surprised by the challenges we face here—not because of a lack of care, but because of a lack of options that keep us on unsustainable paths.

Coming from Ontario, I expected familiar challenges, like balancing economic growth with environmental stewardship. But what struck me most about New Brunswick was the incredible disconnect between people’s deep love for their forests, rivers and coastlines and the decisions made by policymakers that threaten these treasures.

During my first weeks at the new job, I met with a government official responsible for shaping the future of our energy system. When asked about their energy strategy, I was shocked to hear the work had been outsourced and entrusted to a consultant with an interest in maintaining the status quo.

This moment clarified something I was beginning to see everywhere in New Brunswick: too often, the same voices dominate, the same options are repeated and transformative solutions are sidelined. 

I also saw something else, however: hope. New Brunswickers want change. They care about clean water, thriving forests and affordable, sustainable ways to heat their homes. They just haven’t been shown all of their choices.

For years, decision-makers have said that change is too costly, too risky or too hard, and they only commit to Band-Aid solutions. But the truth is that doing nothing costs more—whether it’s higher power bills, damaged homes from flooding or the strain on our health-care system from pollution-related illnesses.

That’s where the Conservation Council comes in. We’re here to help New Brunswickers see what’s possible. Whether it’s advocating for energy-efficient homes, supporting community-based forestry or empowering citizens with the tools to push for cleaner, more affordable energy, we show the ‘hidden options’ that people don’t even know they have.

I’ve learned a lot since coming here. One of my biggest lessons? Change isn’t about imposing ideas—it’s about listening, connecting with shared values and showing how protecting our environment can also protect our quality of life.

This work is only possible with your support. Your donation directly funds our climate programs, which inspire, inform and empower people to make the changes we urgently need.

— Moe Qureshi, Director of Climate Research and Policy

Important Notice

P.S. Don’t forget that we are a registered charity — your donation will help make our province a better place to live, and you’ll receive a tax receipt in time to meet the year-end donation deadline!

Our office will be closed from Dec 20th to the new year, but we’ll be open to accept in-person donations on December 30th from 10 AM to 1 PM.

Charitable Registration # 118874841RR0001

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