Donors of 2023-2024
Thank you for being our partners in creating a sustainable, healthy province for generations to come!
Your Support Fuels Our Fight for a Healthier New Brunswick
At the Conservation Council of New Brunswick, we are driven by the collective power of individuals and organizations who believe in a future where our air is clean, our water is pure and our natural landscapes thrive. Every step we take to safeguard our environment is possible thanks to the generosity and dedication of donors like you.
From advocating for stronger environmental policies to educating the public on the importance of conservation, your support ensures we can continue this vital work. We are incredibly grateful to each and every donor listed below for making a lasting impact on New Brunswick’s environmental future.

"At the heart of every success story is someone like you—someone who cares deeply about protecting the environment. Your donation has helped strengthen our ability to push for cleaner air, safer water, and a greener future. For this, we extend our heartfelt thanks."
— Bev Gingras, Conservation Council Executive Director
2023-2024 Conservation Council of New Brunswick Donors
Adrienne McNair
Alanna Chambers
Allan MacIntosh
Alyssa Doucet
Alyssa Sankey
Amanda Page
Amy Dunn
Andrew Secord
Anita and David Cannon
Ann McAllister
Anna Holdaway
Anne Brown
Annie-Pier Beauregard
Ann-Marie Cournoyer
Anthony Sarkisian
Antony Diamond
Atlantic Mariculture
Barb Williams
Barbara Sinclair
Beth and Peter Powning
Beth Pollock
Beverly Gingras
Bill Jones
Bong Yul Yoo
Bonny Pond
Brenda Noble
Brian Drisdelle
Carl Duivenvoorden
Carol Gavaris
Carol Kelly
Carol Ring
Chandler Mills
Charlene Merrill
Charles Doucet
Chok Hiew
Christine Mitton
Christopher Turnbull
Claire Goggin
Clarice Cormier
Congregation of Notre Dame
Dale Bray
Dalton London
Danielle Routhier
Danielle Smith
Dave Nutter
David Coombs
David Cozac and Deborah Russell
David Macdonald
David Simms Medicine Inc
David Cadogan
David Coon
David Palmer
David Rogosin
David Secord
Deborah Kirkby
Deborah Carr
Deborah Payne
Denis Belliveau
Denise Davis
Denyse LeBlanc
Donald McAlpine
Donna-Lynne Steeves
Douglas Macdonald
Eden Sheffroth
Ellen Foulkes
Errol Amos
Fran Oliver
Gail Campbell
Gary Wilson
George Peabody and Deborah Westerberg
Gordon Hollway
Hannah GNT
Hannah Westner
Heidi Moss
Helen Stanley
Helene Robb
Ivan Levine
James Hickey
Jamie Simpson
Jane Doull
Jane Hawketts
Janice Eldridge Thomas
Janine O’Reilly
Jayne Nicki
Jean Ann Dickson
Jennifer kay
Joan McFarland
Joanne Raye
Joanne Genge
Jocelyn Deichmann
Joe and Janet Hunt
John Pottle
John Sichel
Jonathan Sabean
Jordan Wilson
Kalen Mawer
Karen Balland
Karen Davidson
Karmen Magarvey
Kathleen Keith
Kathleen Rivers
Katie FitzRandolph
Katie Jewett
Keay Halstead
Kevin Gick
Kevin Sheils
Kurt Schmidt
Lance and Francie Howard
Laura Myers
Leanne Talaber
Lee and Katelynn Everett
Linda Currie
Linda Dornan
Linda Hubbard
Linda Turgeon
Lise Robichaud
Louise Comeau
Louise Harwood
Lynaya Astephen
Magdalen Normandeau
Manuel D. Paradis
Margo Sheppard
Marilee Reimer
Marilyn Erb
Mario Doiron
Mark Gallop
Mark LeBlanc
Martha Vowles and William Toner
Martine Bernard
Mary Milander
Mary Grant
Matt Abbott
Megan Goddard
Megan Mainwaring
Melanie Fleming
Melanie Leger
Meredith Fisher
Michael Kerr
Mike Hickey
Mount Allison University Faculty Association
Nadine Gauvin
Nancy Schell
Neil Maclean
Odette Landry
Patricia Tingley
Paul Lenihan
Paul Morrison
Peregrine Riley
Phillip Devor
Steven Turner
Rachel Ramkaran
Red Dot Association
Richard Abbott
Rick Stephen
Rob Moir
Robena Weatherley
Robert Graham
Robin Round
Rod Hill
Roland Chrisjohn
Ronald D Hallett
Rory Bray
Russell Hunt
Ryan Strynatka
Sadie Gagner
Saint John Energy
Sara Parks
Sara Reeves
Sarah King
Sarah Colwell
Shani Jones
Sherri Savoie
Shirley Brinkhurst
Shirley Cleave
Sisters of Charity of the Immaculate Conception
Stanley Choptiany
Stephanie Merrill
Stephen Law
Stephen Patterson
Steven Perry
Susan and Wayne Eddy
Susan Anderson
Susan Tyler
Susan Belfry
Susan Johnson
Sylvie Guénette
Tom McLean
Victor Thiessen
Virginia Leiter
Wilfred Alliston
William Nowlan
Yves Martin